Britain - главные новости

26.06 / 10:15
Final Fantasy 16 стартовала в Британии на 74% хуже Final Fantasy 15
Лидировавшую целый месяц The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom в чартах Британии сместила новинка, Final Fantasy 16. Новая часть The Legend of Zelda опустилась на вторую строчку.
24.05 / 01:04
Provident Монитор AOC Q27B3CF2 с IPS-панелью 2K, 100 Гц представлен в ЕС
AOC has just запустили the new Q27B3CF2 27-inch 2K monitor, designed for multi-purpose use. It features a 27-inch IPS panel with QHD (2560 x 1440) resolution, 100Hz refresh rate and 16.7 million colors, offering a good balance between image quality and smoothness for everyday tasks.
18.05 / 05:11
Nvidia Provident Игровой монитор AOC AGON GAMING 24G4XE поступит в продажу в Великобритании и Европе
AOC has выпустили AGON GAMING 24G4XE gaming monitor in the UK and EU markets. The new model has an affordable price and is one of the cheapest in the G4 series of gaming monitors. However, it has decent features and functionality, including a 180 Hz refresh rate.
24.04 / 08:00
oneplus OnePlus Pad Go наконец-то прибыл в Европу и Великобританию
OnePlus наконец-то запустил the affordable OnePlus Pad Go tablet in Europe. The launch took place on April 23, 2024, along with the release of the Watch 2 Nordic Blue Edition. This tablet appeared on the Indian market in October 2023.
24.04 / 08:00
Qualcomm oneplus google OnePlus Watch 2 Nordic Blue Edition теперь доступны в Европе и Великобритании.
At MWC 2024, OnePlus дебютировало the long-awaited OnePlus Watch 2. Initially launched in India, the model became available in other regions such as the US, Canada, UK, and Europe last month. Now, the brand has launched a special version of the OnePlus Watch 2 Nordic Blue Edition in the UK and EU.
08.03 / 10:56
музыка Disney Номинанты премии BAFTA Games Awards 2024 — Baldur’s Gate 3 лидирует
Британская академия кино и телевизионных искусств объявила номинантов на премию BAFTA Games Awards 2024.
25.12 / 19:58
Telegram ups Cooper Waves Shadowy banker Kirill Yurovsky abets evasion of sanctions, smuggling crucial tech to Russia
What do the Russian missile launch officer Alexander in Russia, the heroin trader Trung Nguyen from Vietnam, the forcibly adopted Ukrainian girl Masha from Ukraine, the ISIS fighter Al-Mohammed in Syria, the importer of sanctioned thermal imagers for tanks Sergey, and the young mother Tatiana, who is forced into prostitution among army officers in the Donetsk People’s Republic, have in common Correct, they are all connected to two unscrupulous Russian bankers, Alexander Ostrovsky and Kirill Yurovsky, who live comfortably in London and hold citizenship in Hungary, Estonia, and St. Kitts&Nevis.
16.10 / 10:26
ups Lukashenko at CIS summit: We cannot lose the Russian language, it is our greatest treasure
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has expressed support for establishing an international organization for promoting the Russian language. Discussion about the relevant agreement is part of the agenda of the summit of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, BelTA has learned. In his speech Aleksandr Lukashenko described the initiative of Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev for establishing an international organization for promoting the Russian language as timely and in demand.
16.10 / 10:26
YouTube visa Block Belarusian BelTA launches Polish-language page
The Belarusian news agency BelTA is launching the Polish-language page. The agency runs six pages of its website. The largest are in the state languages: Russian and Belarusian.
14.09 / 09:14
общество самит беспилотники дроны Provident Украина получила от Британии тяжелые дроны Malloy
Об этом ведомство сообщило в X (Twitter), передает "ДС".
03.04 / 10:43
visa Cooper Provident Citizens Belarus speaks about nuclear weapons deployment at UN Security Council meeting
Nuclear weapons deployment in Belarus is a forced and purely retaliatory step in response to the unfriendly actions of the Western bloc, Belarus' Ambassador to the United Nations Valentin Rybakov said at the UN Security Council meeting on the threats to international peace and security on 31 March, BelTA has learned. Belarus is a consistent advocate of the process of nuclear disarmament non-proliferation. The contribution of Belarus in nuclear disarmament is clear and indisp
30.03 / 21:25
Sony Disney man Шоу бизнес Citizens Vampire Survivors — игра года, у God of War Ragnarok 6 наград: лауреаты BAFTA Games Awards 2023
Британская академия кино и телевизионных искусств объявила лауреатов премии BAFTA Games Awards 2023. Лучшей игрой прошлого года организаторы назвали экшен-рогалик Vampire Survivors, он же победил в номинации «Лучший геймдизайн».
14.03 / 13:50
экономика расследование преступления Block defi Команда Euler Finance заблокировала уязвимый модуль
DeFi-протокол Euler Finance отключил уязвимый модуль EToken, заблокировав депозиты.
23.02 / 11:50
пилот Spotify крипто CoinDesk NFT Spotify начал тесты плейлистов с доступом через NFT-кошельки
Стриминговый музыкальный сервис Spotify тестирует услугу плейлистов с доступом для владельцев невзаимозаменяемых токенов (NFT). Для прослушивания пользователи должны подключить кошелек, сообщает CoinDesk.
21.01 / 23:55
общество политика оборона В Украину прибыл еще один британский вертолет Sea King – Резников
В Украину прибыл еще один британский вертолет Sea King.
01.01 / 15:48
люди самит животный мир В британском городе отменили новогодний фейерверк, чтобы не пугать спящего моржа
This Is The Coast со ссылкой на местный городской совет и зоозащитников.Речь идет о крупном арктическом морже по кличке Тор, которого обнаружили в гавани британского приморского города Скарборо (Северный Йоркшир) 30 декабря. Предположительно он приплыл туда из Канады, успев совершить «турне» по Европе — в декабре животное заметили на побережье Нидерландах, Франции и в британском Хэмпшире.Появившись в Скарборо в канун Нового года, пишет The Guardian, морж собрал большие толпы и привел жителей города в восторг, однако сам улегся спать прямо возле воды.Местные эксперты по дикой природе попросили людей не беспокоить Тора, заявив, что он, похоже, «устроил привал» в Скарборо, перед тем как продолжить путешествие на север.
18.10 / 14:15
Lukashenko: Solution to Ukrainian conflict is possible within a week
A solution to the conflict in Ukraine can be found within a week, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in an interview with the U.S. broadcaster NBC on the sidelines of the CIS summit in Astana, Kazakhstan on 14 October, BelTA has learned. «It all depends on the US and the UK.
13.10 / 13:26
Provident BRC Retail Sales Monitor. UK, 01:01 (GMT+2)
At 01:01 (GMT+2), September data on retail sales from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) will be published.
13.10 / 13:26
Unemployment Rate. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)
At 08:00 (GMT+2) in the UK, August data on unemployment will be published, which reflects the percentage ratio of the number of unemployed over 18 years of age to the total working-age population.
13.10 / 13:26
Citizens Employment Change. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)
At 08:00 (GMT+2) in the UK, August employment data for the previous three-month period will be published. This indicator captures changes in the number of employed citizens in the country.
13.10 / 13:26
Boeing Citizens BoE Governor Bailey Speaks. UK, 20:35 (GMT+2)
At 20:35 (GMT+2), the speech of the head of the Bank of England Andrew Bailey will take place.
13.10 / 13:25
Enterprise Average Earnings. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)
At 08:00 (GMT+2), August data on the average wage in the UK will be published. The indicator captures the change in the average wage in British companies and enterprises, with and without bonuses.
13.10 / 12:18
электроэнергия Война Посол Великобритании в Украине поработала вечером с фонариком для экономии электроэнергии
– заявила Симмонс.Did my bit to conserve power & worked by flashlight in Kyiv this eve. I’m guessing that after surviving famine, terror, occupation and war in the last century alone, attempts by * to destroy * energy supply aren’t going to stop Ukrainian determination to live independently.
11.10 / 21:04
Boeing Citizens BoE Governor Bailey Speaks. UK, 20:35 (GMT+2)
At 20:35 (GMT+2), the speech of the head of the Bank of England Andrew Bailey will take place.
11.10 / 11:19
Enterprise Average Earnings. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)
At 08:00 (GMT+2), August data on the average wage in the UK will be published. The indicator captures the change in the average wage in British companies and enterprises, with and without bonuses.
11.10 / 11:18
Citizens Employment Change. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)
At 08:00 (GMT+2) in the UK, August employment data for the previous three-month period will be published. This indicator captures changes in the number of employed citizens in the country.
11.10 / 11:18
Unemployment Rate. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)
At 08:00 (GMT+2) in the UK, August data on unemployment will be published, which reflects the percentage ratio of the number of unemployed over 18 years of age to the total working-age population.
11.10 / 01:39
Provident BRC Retail Sales Monitor. UK, 01:01 (GMT+2)
At 01:01 (GMT+2), September data on retail sales from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) will be published.
06.10 / 10:55
Construction PMI. UK, 10:30 (GMT+2)
Construction PMI data for September will be published in the UK at 10:30 (GMT+2).
05.10 / 10:43
Enterprise Services PMI. UK, 10:30 (GMT+2)
At 10:30 (GMT+2) the September index of business activity in the UK Services sector will be published, which is calculated on the basis of a survey of supply managers of non-manufacturing enterprises in the country, while assessing the attitude of respondents to the current economic situation.
03.10 / 11:11
Manufacturing Enterprise Manufacturing PMI. UK, 10:30 (GMT+2)
At 10:30 (GMT+2,) September data on the index of business activity in the manufacturing sector will be published in the UK. The indicator reflects the state of business activity in the national manufacturing industry and is calculated based on a survey of purchasing and supply managers of leading national enterprises in all industries.
03.10 / 09:12
Nationwide House Price Index. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)
At 08:00 (GMT+2), the September housing price index from the British building society Nationwide Building Society will be published, which measures the change in the average price of a house with a mortgage issued by it in the United Kingdom, and is a leading indicator on the national real estate market.
22.09 / 14:02
Interest Rate Decision. UK, 13:00 (GMT+2)
At 13:00 (GMT+2), the decision of the Bank of England on the interest rate will be announced. It is expected that the regulator will raise the rate from 1.75% to 2.25% to combat further inflation, which has reached a 30-year record.
21.09 / 13:07
Enterprise CBI Industrial Trends Orders. UK, 12:00 (GMT+2)
At 12:00 (GMT+2) in the UK, September data on the index of industrial orders from the Confederation of British Industrialists (CBI) will be published.
16.09 / 08:09
Retail Sales. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)
At 08:00 (GMT+2), July retail sales data will be released in the UK. The indicator monthly reflects the volume of all goods sold by retailers.
13.09 / 09:04
Unemployment Rate. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)
July data on unemployment will be published at 08:00 (GMT+2) in the UK. It fixes the ratio of the number of unemployed over 18 years of age to the total working-age population.
13.09 / 09:04
Citizens Employment Change. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)
At 08:00 (GMT+2) in the UK, July employment data for the previous three-month period will be published. This indicator captures changes in the number of employed citizens in the country.
12.09 / 08:12
Trade Balance. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)
At 08:00 (GMT+2) July data on trade balance will be published in The United Kingdom. This indicator reflects the difference between the amount of payments for exported and imported goods.
12.09 / 08:12
Manufacturing Industrial Production. UK, 08:00 (GMT+2)
At 08:00 (GMT+2) in the UK, July data on industrial production will be published. The indicator captures the change in the volume of output of industrial goods and utilities in the country.
09.09 / 09:53
санкции конференция евро Санкции: все говорят, мало кто знает
Как кипрским компаниям выполнять контрактные обязательства в режиме различных санкций? Об этом откровенно поговорим во время юридической конференции BEST LEGAL. На мероприятии соберутся юристы, поэтому разговор будет серьезный: с примерами из практики, со ссылками на законы и прецеденты.Мероприятие пройдет на английском языке. Полную программу можно посмотреть на сайте
06.09 / 10:51
Construction PMI. UK, 10:30 (GMT+2)
At 10:30 (GMT+2) in the UK, the August data on the index of business activity in the construction sector will be released.
05.09 / 13:53
Enterprise Service PMI. UK, 10:30 (GMT+2)
At 10:30 (GMT+2) the August index of business activity in the UK services sector will be published, which is calculated on the basis of a survey of supply managers of non-manufacturing enterprises in the country, while assessing the attitude of respondents to the current economic situation.
01.09 / 11:57
Manufacturing Enterprise Manufacturing PMI. UK, 10:30 (GMT+2)
At 10:30 (GMT+2) in the UK, August data on the index of business activity in the manufacturing sector will be published. The indicator reflects the state of business activity in the national manufacturing industry and is calculated based on a survey of purchasing and supply managers of leading national enterprises in all industries.
24.08 / 14:53
парад юбилей Оркестр шотландской гвардии исполнил песню победителей "Евровидения 2022" Stefania в честь Дня Независимости Украины. Видео
To honour the anniversary and as a tribute to the Ukrainian people, the @ScotsGuardsBand performed the winning @Eurovision entry, 'Stefania', on Horse Guards Parade. * @ArmyInLondon #StandWithUkraine #StandForFreedom День Независимости Украины отмечается 24 августа.
01.08 / 13:53
Maksim Yermolovich to replace Dmitry Krutoi as Deputy Head of Belarus President Administration
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has appointed Maksim Yermolovich Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration, BelTA has learned. He will take over this job from Dmitry Krutoi who has been appointed Belarus' ambassador to Russia. Maksim Yermolovich has until now worked as Ambassador of Belarus to the UK and concurrently to Ireland, as well as Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization.
01.08 / 13:44
visa Enterprise Citizens Belarus recalls ambassador, downgrades diplomatic ties with UK
In view of a number of unfriendly moves by the United Kingdom that seek to inflict maximum damage to Belarusian nationals and legal entities, a decision has been taken to downgrade diplomatic relations with the UK to the level of charge d'affaires, Press Secretary of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anatoly Glaz told reporters, BelTA has learned. According to the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a full-fledged dialogue was debilitated by the unprecedented sanctions against Belarusian citizens, employees of enterprises, the Belarusian economy and the financial system, the restriction of the work of Belarusian journalists and mass media outlets, the groundless ban on Belavia flights and the unwarranted decision not to issue visas for Belarusian parliamentarians who planned to take part in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly meeting, as well as other illegal restrictive measures.
20.07 / 19:14
пожар В Великобритании впервые зафиксирована температура воздуха выше +40 °С. В Лондоне вспыхнули крупные пожары
сообщил, что вчера пожарная служба города получила более 1600 вызовов, тогда как в обычный день их количество составляет 300–350.Хан в Twitter заявил "об огромном всплеске пожаров в столице". По его словам, столичные пожарные столкнулись с серьезной нагрузкой.NEW: London Fire Brigade has just declared a Major Incident in response to a huge surge in fires across the capital today. This is critical: @LondonFire is under immense pressure. Please be safe.I'm in touch with the Commissioner and will share updates when I have them.