Provident - главные новости

21.02 / 16:34
стартап нарушено defi CEO Provident CTO Composable Finance покинул DeFi-проект из-за подозрительной активности
Технический директор Composable Finance Карел Кубат объявил, что уходит из компании из-за отсутствия финансовой прозрачности и "подозрительных транзакций".
18.02 / 12:08
президент Telegram общество политика Евросоюз Provident Зеленский пригласил премьер-министра Венгрии Орбана в Украину – Офис президента
Президент Владимир Зеленский пригласил премьер-министра Венгрии Виктора Орбана посетить Украину. Об этом в интервью Радио Свобода рассказал заместитель главы Офиса президента Игорь Жовква.Читайте нас в Telegram: только важные и проверенные новости"Премьер-министр Венгрии приглашен в Украину, и надеемся, что он может быть здесь", – сказал он.Жовква присутствовала на встрече Зеленского с венгерским премьером в рамках саммита лидеров ЕС в Брюсселе 9 февраля и, по его мнению, она прошла нормально."Это действительно была встреча президента Украины с премьер-министром Венгрии в кругу еще нескольких лидеров.
14.02 / 03:16
общество рубль прогноз нео Provident Количество слияний и поглощений в российской ИБ удвоится
"Не исключаю, что у нас в стране в 2023 г. к числу уже известных сделок по ИБ добавятся новые, как известные, так и не очень имена.
13.02 / 14:31
Enterprise Provident Belarus' humanitarian cargo arrives in Syria
Belarus' humanitarian cargo has reached Syria, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The humanitarian aid includes medicines, basic necessities and clothing. The Emergencies Ministry has provided food, tents, blankets and hygiene products from the state reserve, the Healthcare Ministry enterprises have shipped medicines, medical gloves and bandages, disinfectants. The Belarusian light industry concern Bellegprom has
13.02 / 14:25
Cooper Provident Lukashenko urges to promote Belarusian developments in medicine internationally
Lukashenko commented on the potential of promoting Belarusian developments in medicine citing the example of cooperation with Zimbabwe as he talked to Belarusian scientists in Minsk on 9 February, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko said that he discussed the possibilities of cooperation in healthcare with Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa as he paid the state visit to that country. Zimbabwe is struggling with high child and maternal mortality. Having good achievements and best practices in this sector, Belarus can provide its assistance.
06.02 / 14:57
ups COMPOSITE MAIL Provident Citizens Belarus' prosecutor general comments on commission for people wishing to return home
Belarus' Prosecutor General Andrei Shved detailed the decree on the commission for people who want to return to their homeland as he spoke to the media after his meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko on 6 February, BelTA has learned. According to him, the document describes not only the composition of the commission (two-thirds of it consists of representatives of the public, well-known people) but also defines the conditions and procedure for consideration of applications from Belarusian citizens living abroad. “The document covers the period of possible or committed offenses from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2023. People may apply to the commission by mail or over the internet. The decree
01.02 / 15:15
ГАЗ криптовалюта Tether Provident Некоторым пользователям Celsius разрешат вывести 94% активов
Ограниченное количество пользователей кастодиального сервиса Celsius смогут вывести 94% активов с платформы. Об этом говорится в судебных документах.
31.01 / 11:44
пенсия общество семья правительство Provident За семь недель забастовок больницы Англии отменили 88 тысяч приёмов
Больницы Англии более 88 тысяч приёмов за семь недель забастовок медсестёр и сотрудников скорой помощи. Медики недовольны сокращением реальных зарплат и налогообложением пенсий.
30.01 / 11:30
технологии ups Provident FIVE Family capital, free IVF, maternity support. How does Lukashenko deal with demographic problems?
Over the past 10 years the number of parents with many children in Belarus has doubled. Today there are 121,000 families in the country raising three or more children. Of course, this is not by chance. The government constantly invests in families. While last year more than Br2.5 billion was allocated to support them, this year the figure will be Br3.2 billion. But there are also concrete benefits and guarantees in addition to payments. About 7% of the GDP is spent annually to make Belarusian families feel more secure. In the new episode of BelTA's YouTube project After the Fact: Lukashenko's Decisions we will talk about how the state invests in families, why Belarusian women are having children later in life and how our country remains in the top of the most comfortable countries for mothers.
26.01 / 00:03
общество оборона доллар военные Provident У орков будут гореть небо и земля: Украине дают 3000 артсистем и не только
Украина получит новую военную помощь Только недавно стало известно, что Украина получит танки. Теперь появилась информация о том, что Соединенные Штаты Америки вместе с европейскими партнерами предоставят более 3 тысяч артиллерийских систем, боеприпасов и систем противовоздушной обороны. Также появилась новая информация от Foreign Policy.
25.01 / 13:34
ups Provident Lukashenko discusses situation along Belarus' border, refugees, army support
The situation along the border, refugees and army support were discussed by Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko at the event to approve the decisions on the protection of the state border in 2023, BelTA has learned. Taking part in the meeting were State Secretary of Belarus' Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich, Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin, Chairman of the State Border Committee Anatoly Lappo, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces — First Deputy Defense Minister Viktor Gulevich. “Although today's event is traditional — at the beginning of every year we take decisions on border protection — yet, the year 2023 is not like any other year, as the situation around Belarus (the military and political situation, and the economic situation as well) is not easy. This is why our today's meeting is special.
25.01 / 13:34
ups MET Enterprise Provident Belarusian export to Russia up 1.4 times
The export of Belarusian products to Russia has increased by 1.4 times, Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Parkhomchik said in an interview to the ONT TV channel, BelTA has learned. “Export to the Russian Federation went up by 1.4 times, which is a very good result for the Belarusian industry in general. For the first time in history, we have got a positive economic balance in relations with Russia,” said Piotr Parkhomchik.
25.01 / 13:34
Provident Citizens Bill on political parties passes two readings in Belarus
The bill “On amending the laws on the activities of political parties and other public associations” passed two readings at the meeting of the ninth session of the House of Representatives of the seventh convocation on 25 January, BelTA has learned. The bill was submitted to the House of Representatives by the Council of Ministers. The bill is designed to improve legislation governing social and political relations, as well as to bring legislation into line with the amendments and additions adopted at the constitutional referendum.
18.01 / 17:36
регулирование Binance Provident Binance получила разрешение на работу в Польше
Криптовалютная биржа Binance получила одобрение польских властей в качестве провайдера услуг виртуальных активов на работу в стране.
17.01 / 19:38
вооружение общество начальник Provident Залужный впервые лично встретился с Милли
Валерий Залужный впервые лично встретился с главой Объединенного комитета начальников штабов США Марком Милли.На своей странице в Twitter Залужный написал, что встреча произошла в Польше. В частности, главнокомандующий ВСУ рассказал Милли о потребностях украинский армии.«Выражаю благодарность за непоколебимую поддержку и помощь, оказанную США и союзниками Украине.
02.01 / 12:45
общество прогноз Provident Генерал Ходжес рассказал, когда ВСУ освободят Крым
Бен Ходжес дал прогноз, когда ВСУ смогут освободить Крым.Американский военный считает, что Украина может деоккупировать полуостров до конца августа. Однако для этого есть условия:— Украина освободит Крым до конца августа, если мы будем продолжать предоставлять то, что мы сказали, и если мы сохраним санкции.
23.12 / 13:55
президент Provident війна в Україні Нідерланди планують виділити Україні 2,5 млрд євро у 2023 році, - Зеленський
Президент Володимир Зеленський провів телефонні переговори з прем'єр-міністром Нідерландів Марком Рютте. Останній заявив про рішення його країни виділити Україні 2,5 млрд євро підтримки в 2023 році.
19.12 / 14:37
ups Cooper Provident Lukashenko: Our sovereignty is inviolable, but Belarus will never be Russia's enemy
The sovereignty and independence of Belarus are inviolable. At the same time, Belarus will never turn against Russia, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at a meeting to review Belarus-Russia cooperation in Minsk, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that after some time has passed since the attempted rebellion in Belarus, it has become obvious that the chosen course for closer cooperation with Russia was right and the measures taken, including the approval of a package of the Union State integration documents, were relevant and well-timed. The head of state noted that none of the Union State programs violates the sovereignty and independence of Belarus and Russia.
27.11 / 14:08
ups Provident Lukashenko explains what freedom and independence mean
At the meeting to discuss the development of the agricultural industry of Gomel Oblast on 25 November Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko explained what freedom and independence mean for the Belarusian people, BelTA has learned. “Believe me, we are living in a crunch time: either we retain our state, or we need to consider other options, but count me out in the latter case. We have been nurturing our state for 30 years because we wanted our children to live freely, independently. If someone understands this freedom and independence (this does not apply to you, but to our people in general) as an opportunity to do whatever they want or not to do anything at all – this is not going to happen in any country.
21.11 / 15:51
Cooper Provident Lukashenko: Belarus will remain a close friend and reliable partner for Kazakhstan
Belarus will remain a close friend and reliable partner for Kazakhstan, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said in his message of greetings to congratulate Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on his victory at the presidential election, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. Earlier, on 21 November, the two leaders had a telephone conversation during which the Belarusian president personally congratulated his counterpart on his victory in the election.
14.11 / 14:33
MET Provident Extreme Israel invited to join memorial project in Bronnaya Gora forest in Belarus
Brest Oblast Governor Yuri Shuleiko invited the Jewish community to join the project to create a memorial complex at the site of mass executions during the Great Patriotic War in the Bronnaya Gora forest in Bereza District as he met with chargé d'affaires of Israel Tzevy Mirkin, BelTA has learned. «Several architectural projects of the future memorial are ready. We want it to be a worthy monument. More than 50,000 people were buried there.
14.11 / 14:33
Enterprise Provident Lukashenko: All villages will turn into comfortable agro-towns in Belarus in 10-15 years
In 10-15 years, all villages will turn into comfortable agro-towns, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the plenary session of the national workshop to discuss restoration and use of reclaimed lands, BelTA has learned. «The village is changing. There will be no villages as we used to know them.
07.11 / 14:27
Covid-19 Enterprise Provident Lukashenko: BNBC is a result of the right policy amid the pandemic
The launch of production at the Belarusian National Biotechnology Corporation (BNBC) became possible thanks to the right policy of the authorities during the pandemic, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said during his visit to the Belarusian National Biotechnology Corporation in Pukhovichi District on 4 November, BelTA has learned. As BNBC Director General Daniil Uritsky reported to the head of state, the construction began in 2019, and despite the coronavirus pandemic, China's funding kept coming because Belarus did not impose any large-scale restrictions and did not close its borders. “CITIC had only one project under construction in the world at that time — in Belarus. All its other projects were suspended,” he said.
07.11 / 14:37
man ups Provident Lukashenko to discuss China's participation in BNBC project with Xi Jinping
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko plans to discuss China's participation in the further development of the Belarusian National Biotechnology Corporation (BNBC) project with China President Xi Jinping. The Belarusian leader made this statement at the official launch ceremony for the production of animal feed and amino acids at the Belarusian National Biotechnology Corporation in Pukhovichi District, BelTA has learned. “I want to thank my good and long-standing friend Xi Jinping.
13.10 / 13:26
Provident BRC Retail Sales Monitor. UK, 01:01 (GMT+2)
At 01:01 (GMT+2), September data on retail sales from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) will be published.
11.10 / 01:39
Provident BRC Retail Sales Monitor. UK, 01:01 (GMT+2)
At 01:01 (GMT+2), September data on retail sales from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) will be published.
29.09 / 00:03
Digital Provident Top-10 best crypto exchanges 2022
A cryptocurrency exchange is a trading platform where virtual currency assets are traded. These platforms allow to trade various cryptocurrencies. They provide users with the opportunity to buy and sell digital money, exchange it, convert it into fiat (state) currencies, invest and do other market operations.
08.09 / 22:08
общество армия Provident Майкл Макфол: Россия – неудачник, с которым никто не хочет вступать в союз
Майкл Макфол.«Действия украинской армии на поле боя вдохновляют страны всего мира на оказание дополнительной помощи. Действия российской армии на поле боя отпугивают страны от помощи… кроме Ирана и Северной Кореи, – написал Макфол.
01.08 / 13:53
ups Enterprise Provident Belarus develops import substitution in partnership with Russia, other EAEU states
Amid sanctions Belarus is developing import substitution in partnership with Russia and other EAEU countries, Belarusian First Deputy Economy Minister Yuri Chebotar said in an interview to Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA has learned. “In Q1 2022 Belarus produced $2.7 billion of import substitution products. The figure is likely to make up $6.5 billion in H1 2022,” said Yuri Chebotar.
01.08 / 13:44
airlines Aviat Provident Belarus resolutely disagrees with findings of ICAO report on Ryanair incident
Belarus resolutely disagrees with the findings of the ICAO final report and the resolution of the ICAO Council of 18 July. The report is based on incomplete information, Denis Dovgalev, counselor of the Delegation of Belarus to the OSCE, said in response to the statement of the EU delegation at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The diplomat noted that Belarus did not plan to separately raise the issue of blatant injustice and bias related to the consideration of the report on the incident with flight Ryanair FR4978 in ICAO. The position of Belarus, its arguments are set out in detail in the document, which was distributed under SEC. DEL/331/22 on 27 July. «Since the European Union has decided to draw attention to this topic, we will also take this opportunity to comment on a number of key aspects of this case,» Denis Dovgalev said.
01.08 / 13:44
Provident Belarus set to increase milk, meat production volumes
Belarus plans to increase the production of milk and meat, Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo said in an interview to ONT TV channel, BelTA has learned. “Belarus has not exported grain in recent years, as the country has been using a large amount of it in cattle breeding. The production in the agro-industrial complex is expected to grow by about 4.5% this year.
07.07 / 18:24
Provident Russian sanctioned companies ordered to pay bondholders
whose rights are recorded in the Russian depositories, by transferring funds in the manner specified by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia (details will follow later), or by issuing new bonds.This news is positive for local investors, who will finally get their due income from Eurobonds in line with the payment schedule.
04.07 / 13:41
Cooper Provident Parke Great Stone industrial park, International Land Port of Gansu sign cooperation agreement
The administrations of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone and the International Land Port of Gansu (Lanzhou) have signed a cooperation agreement, BelTA learned from the press service of the park. The document provides for cooperation in import/export operations, foreign and domestic trade, and logistics.
27.06 / 13:36
Apple Provident Minister: Belarus is not facing a food crisis
Belarus is not facing a food crisis, Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo said in an interview to the First National Channel of the Belarusian Radio, BelTA has learned. “It is even strange to hear such a thing. Believe me, we do not need to worry about anything like that in the near future.
20.06 / 14:17
ups MET Provident Lukashenko sets goal for 10m-tonne grain harvest in Belarus
The task is to reach a gross grain harvest of 9-10 million tonnes in the near term, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said during a working visit to Mogilev Oblast on 20 June, BelTA has learned. Upon arrival at the field with different varieties of winter barley sown as an experiment, the head of state stressed that today is a historic and crucial moment in agriculture. The president said that he grew up in these places at the junction of Mogilev Oblast and Vitebsk Oblast and here he is trying out various new approaches to agriculture. “This is how the president's field took shape. Today is a historic moment. If anyone thinks that we have met here to talk and show off once again, the experts will see that this is not the case,” he said. According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, Belarus is in the area of risk farming. One of the problems in agriculture is a short vegetation period of plants. There is a short period from sowing to harvesting. The country needs to cultivate the crops that are suitable for these conditions. “We need to reach 9-10 million tonnes of grain without including colza,” he set the task.
14.06 / 10:14
криптовалюта Provident BlockFi уволит пятую часть персонала
Криптолендинговая платформа BlockFi анонсировала сокращение персонала из более чем 850 сотрудников примерно на 20%.
13.06 / 14:01
Enterprise Provident FIVE Minister: Belarus ensures its food security, becomes large agricultural exporter
Belarus has ensured its food security and has become a large player in the export of agricultural products, Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo said in an interview to ONT TV channel on 12 June, BelTA has learned. “We have implemented five government programs in the agricultural sector. Each had its own distinctive feature. We reconstructed our dairy farms and processing enterprises and cleaned up our villages.
06.06 / 13:28
Provident Minister: Belarus' child and family welfare system is clear, consistent
The child and family welfare system in Belarus is clear and consistent, Belarus' Labor and Social Security Minister Irina Kostevich said on the air of the ONT TV channel, BelTA informs. “The child welfare system (which can be referred to as family welfare system) has a long history,” said Irina Kostevich. “Today it is multifaceted and smooth and includes financial support, benefits and guarantees that are provided to a child from birth to adulthood. This system has been constantly improving,” Irina Kostevich added.
06.06 / 13:14
Provident Lukashenko, UN chief discuss pressing issues over phone, including Ukrainian grain export
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres had a telephone conversation on 3 June, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. The parties discussed the most pressing issues on the agenda, focusing on the export of grain from Ukraine. The head of state clearly outlined his position on this topic: Belarus is ready to ship Ukrainian grain to the Baltic ports through its territory.
29.05 / 15:09
общество Беларусь Provident Пентагон отправил в Украину новую партию дальнобойных гаубиц М777: яркие кадры
@USAirForce C-17 Globemaster III is loaded by @USMC Marines with M777 towed 155 mm howitzers at @March_ARB, Calif. The howitzers are part of the U.S.
02.05 / 13:32
MET Cooper Provident Lukashenko: Belarus is willing to cooperate with Russia in any area
Belarus is willing to cooperate with Russia any time and in any area, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Governor of Voronezh Oblast, Russia Aleksandr Gusev on 28 April, BelTA has learned. Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that Belarusian companies can provide Russia with any equipment it needs, especially since Western companies suspended their business in the country.
25.04 / 13:51
ups Cooper Provident PM unveils Belarus' cooperation prospects with Uzbekistan
Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko outlined the prospects of cooperation during a meeting with Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov on 25 April, BelTA has learned. Tashkent is hosting the international exhibition Innoprom. Central Asia. Belarus is showcasing its exposition in mechanical engineering.
19.04 / 13:58
Provident Lukashenko: Counter-terrorism measures remain high on Belarus' agenda
Combating terrorist and extremist threats remains relevant for Belarus, President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the meeting to discuss law and order matters on 19 April, BelTA has learned. “The issue of countering terrorist and extremist threats remains relevant today. Like never before.
11.04 / 14:06
Telegram Provident Lukashenko, Putin to meet at Vostochny Cosmodrome on 12 April
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin are set to meet at Vostochny Cosmodrome in Amur Oblast, Russia on 12 April, BelTA has learned. “The meeting will take place in quite an unexpected place. The presidents of Russia and Belarus will fly to Vostochny Cosmodrome in Amur Oblast on 12 April, Cosmonautics Day.
11.04 / 14:06
Provident Citizens More than 1,600 Ukrainians enter Belarus over past weekend
More than 1,600 citizens of Ukraine entered Belarus over the past weekend, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee. “From 6.00 on 8 April to 6.00 on 11 April some 1,643 citizens of Ukraine arrived in Belarus.
06.04 / 15:35
Facebook Provident Protocol on creating common electricity market in EAEU comes into force
The protocol on the establishment of a common electricity market in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) has come into force, official representative of the Eurasian Economic Commission Iya Malkina said at a briefing for the press on 6 April, BelTA has learned. “On 5 April the protocol on amendments to the EAEU Treaty came into force with respect to the formation of a common electricity market of the EAEU. The document sets out mechanisms of th
06.04 / 15:35
ups Provident Citizens 1,043 Ukrainians enter Belarus in past 24 hours
A total of 1,043 citizens of Ukraine entered Belarus in the past 24 hours, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee. “From 6.00 on 5 April to 6.00 on 6 April some 783 citizens of Ukraine arrived in Belarus through the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. Another 237 people came to Belarus transiting through Poland.
06.04 / 15:35
MET Provident Citizens Kochanova: Belarus' economic priority is to meet people's needs
Belarus' number one economic priority is to meet people's needs, Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova said as she paid a visit to the Zarya agricultural company in Mogilev District on 6 April, BelTA has learned. “The economic priority of our country is to meet the needs of our people. Personnel is key. Everything depends on specialists. Today a lot dep